Hey there!
I’m Jenn—your pet’s aging and end-of-life guide.
I help pet parents (like you!) navigate one of the hardest and most challenging times you will ever face as a pet owner—aging and end of life—so you can enjoy the time you have with your pet (with no regrets!).
How to get the most out of your pet’s remaining time
Schedule an exploratory call to see how I can help you and your aging or sick pet.
Book a session with me that best matches your current situation whether you’re being proactive with making your pets golden years the best they can be, currently facing tough decisions about treatment or euthanasia, or working through your grief.
Feel great that you got the most out of the time you have with your pet (with no regrets!).

How It Works
I complement the medical care your pet gets at your veterinary clinic.
I meet you in your home (in person or via video) where you and your pet are most comfortable.
We take a deep dive into your unique situation discussing changes you’re noticing, concerns, and questions.
I help you proactively ensure your pet has the best and most comfortable golden years possible.
Believe it or not, it IS possible to
when you’re armed with the knowledge of what to look for as they age.
You might want to avoid talking about aging and end of life, but the truth is, talking about it not only helps us prepare, but also make the most of the time left.

Aging and end of life can feel scary and uncertain but it doesn’t have to.
Let’s make sure your pet’s golden years are, well, golden.

You love them like family, so it’s sad knowing your time is limited as your pet ages.
You want to give them the longest and most comfortable aging experience possible but aren’t sure how to do that.

Fears, concerns, and questions begin to creep up:
You worry you’ll miss something that could have been addressed early—losing out on precious time with your pet.
You feel guilty, second-guessing yourself, and wondering if you’re making the right decisions.
You wonder how in the heck you’ll know when it’s time and constantly worrying that you’ll make the decision either too soon or too late.
You question how in the world you’ll move forward without your constant companion there by your side—their absence leaving a tremendous hole in your heart and void in your life.
While these feelings and concerns are totally normal, they can make it more difficult to enjoy the time you do have left with your pet.
I’m here to make sure that doesn’t happen.